How to find temporary housing due to your insurance claim

Temporary Housing Insurance Houston

How to find temporary housing due to your insurance claim

By: Luxurway

Is your current home inhabitable due to an insurance damage event, such as a storm, fire, water/leak or other claim? Home is where the heart is, and we understand how difficult it can be finding yourself displaced due to an insurance claim, and needing temporary housing until your home is back to normal. There are a variety of temporary housing solutions available should you and your family find yourself needing an extended stay in a furnished home. Relocation is not easy, but it can be made easier if you have the right tools and information to find relocation housing in Houston nearby you.

Tips for finding temporary housing due to your insurance claim:

  1. Collect and secure all valuables you can take from your home, most importantly identification like Passports, IDs and birth certificates, as well as money, jewelry, and electronics that you can take with you

  2. Find a safe place to sleep for a few days - whether that is with a family member or friend, or in a hotel, make sure that you and your family are in safe living conditions and out of harm’s way

  3. Call your insurance to check coverage for temporary housing - specifically, additional living expenses (ALE). This coverage provides you with reimbursement for costs of temporary housing.

  4. Remember to continue paying your mortgage - you want to make sure you continue in good standing with your bank/lender

  5. Ask your insurance about finding temporary housing - they may work with a relocation/temporary housing service provider that will help connect you with the housing that best fits your needs. These companies include ALE, CRS Temporary Housing and Temporary Housing Directory, to name a few.

  6. If you want to search for a temporary home on your own, you can use a vacation rental platform such as Airbnb or VRBO for short term furnished rentals, or for long term rentals

  7. Ask your insurance for a cash advance, if possible, for upfront rental payments for your temporary housing. Otherwise, you may need to pay upfront, send a receipt to your insurance company and wait for reimbursement. The former is preferred for policyholders!

If your home has been damaged or destroyed and you need temporary housing in Houston, TX, you have come to the right place.

Luxurway is your go-to housing provider in Houston for temporary housing and relocation housing. Our furnished home rentals and apartments are fully-equipped and prepped so all you need to bring is yourself, clothing and food. All utilities are included in the discounted monthly rates, making it easier for you to focus on your permanent home solution. If you are looking for temporary housing for yourself or your family, keep these tips in mind:

  1. Collect and secure all valuables from your home

  1. Find a safe place to sleep for a few days

  2. Call your insurance to check coverage for temporary housing

  3. Remember to continue paying your mortgage

  4. Ask your insurance about temporary housing providers

  5. Check out, or a vacation rental platform

  6. Ask your insurance for a cash advance


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