The Changing Face of Cancer Treatment

MD Anderson patient housing

Cancer treatment is not like it once was. Over the past 70 years, cancer has gone from being a death sentence to a high likelihood of long-term survival, thanks in no small part to evidence-based research and advanced, targeted treatments that minimize adverse symptoms.

Houston’s MD Anderson cancer center is considered to be one of the best in the world. Patients choose MD Anderson to access cutting-edge advancements in cancer treatment and the possibility of living a full and productive life during and after treatment.

Changing approaches to cancer therapy

In the early phases of cancer detection and diagnosis, doctors applied a combination of surgery and radiation to eliminate cancerous masses, shrink tumors, and eradicate cancer cells. In those days, if these options did not work, there were few options.

Chemotherapy was initially ruled out because it was thought that the medicines were too toxic to the body. However, research in the 1940s proved that chemo could be effective in achieving temporary remission in some cancers.

In more recent years, new therapies have evolved that target specific genes and proteins that drive the growth of certain cancers. As these therapies become even more advanced, it is now possible to achieve positive results while minimizing the side effects of chemotherapy.

How we treat cancer today

As advances in cancer treatment continue to be brought to the table, some of the most exciting discoveries are making their way into the mainstream. At MD Anderson, patients can expect to have access to advances that include:

Genetic testing

Genetic testing is performed to identify a wide range of gene mutations, the results of which can greatly impact the type of cancer treatment a patient receives.

Advanced surgical interventions

Surgeons at MD Anderson complete extra training in cancer specialties such as breast cancer. This allows doctors to target tumors with much greater accuracy while minimizing surgical complications.

Radiation elimination or reduction

Today, radiation treatments for breast cancer are tailored specifically to the individual’s needs. Each patient’s risk factors are evaluated on a case-by-case basis, and for low-risk patients, it may be possible to avoid radiation entirely.

Better management of treatment side-effects

In the past, severe nausea and vomiting were common during chemotherapy. Today, doctors can offer medications and interventions that mitigate these side effects very well, allowing patients in treatment to live a better quality of life in recovery.

Reconstructive advances

Patients have many great options for reconstructive therapy following mastectomy. Using tissue from other parts of the body, they are able to reconstruct the breast using a technique called fat grafting. This method is also used to minimize the look of tissue loss from surgery, as is tissue rearrangement, during which they move tissue around to reduce any visible defects.

The good news is that, while there is no absolute cure for the disease, these advances give new hope to a cancer diagnosis, a light at the end of the tunnel, and the ability to live a life full of possibilities.

If you or a loved one are traveling to Houston for cancer treatment at MD Anderson, know that you are in good hands. At Luxurway, we provide the comfort and convenience of fully furnished private homes that are not only convenient to MD Anderson but are far more affordable than you might think. Browse our properties today or call to learn more about our discounted monthly rates for MD Anderson patients.


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