Houston ranks as a top value destination for 2019

Houston luxury rental housing

Houston is a vibrant, culturally diverse city with a lot to offer – this we know! So when Lonely Planet named our city as one of their Top 10 Value Destinations for 2019, we would have to agree!

Standing head-to-head with some amazing international destinations, Houston ranked at number five on the list. In fact, there was only one other US location that ranked in the top 10, and that’s Great Smoky Mountains National Park on the North Carolina and Tennessee border.

If you’re wondering what the other competition looked like, here’s the full list:

  1. Southern Nile Valley, Egypt: features ancient historical sites, temples, and tombs.

  2. Łódź, Poland: some major transformation is happening here, changing a once-industrial city into a budget-friendly cultural and architectural destination.

  3. Great Smoky Mountains National Park: the park is completely free to enter and enjoy, meaning all you have to do is get yourself there.

  4. Maldives: we know about the ultra-luxe resort scene in the Maldives, but there is an emerging trend that favors inexpensive guest houses on non-resort islands.

  5. Houston: Lonely Planet cites our museum district (10 of them are free to enter), the vibrant EaDo district, our diversity, and the foodie culture as both affordable and vacation-worthy!

  6. Argentina: in an effort to encourage tourism, the country is offering significant discounts to foreign travelers – all the better to enjoy some of the world’s most awesome sights, great wine, and exciting cultural attractions.

  7. Bangladesh: home to bustling cities, Asia’s largest beach and its emerging surfing culture, wild tigers, UNESCO heritage sites, and fabled Buddhist ruins, Bangladesh provides value, history, culture, and a feast for all senses.

  8. Albania: home to stunning white sand beaches and breathtaking mountain vistas, Albania is a welcome escape from the hustle and bustle of neighboring Montenegro and Greece.

  9. Ecuador: from the Amazon rainforests to the majestic waves of the Pacific Ocean, Ecuador is known for its beaches and cheap digs.

  10. Slovenia: enjoy world-class scenery, culture, cuisine, wine, and alpine activities for a fraction of what you would pay in the rest of Europe.

Houston has it all!

From all these descriptions, it’s pretty amazing to see Houston in the lineup. Sure, we have lots of awesome parks, we’ve got the NASA Space Center, the Texas Medical Center, and the most diverse restaurant culture in the country – we know what makes our city so special; after all, we live it every single day!

The things that make Houston great for visitors are the same things that keep us buzzing. Our winters are mild and we hardly ever have to wear winter gear beyond a good jacket. There’s plenty of nature right at our doorstep and the people are friendly as can be. We’ve got a high standard of living, though it doesn’t cost as much to live here. Even so, there is plenty of luxury to be had if that’s what you’re seeking, as we are home to some of the world’s most exclusive luxury brands.

More reasons to visit Houston

Visiting Houston on your vacation is easy, but Luxurway can make it even more so. Instead of checking into a hotel, why not choose a luxury single-family home for your stay? We have a range of beautiful, well-appointed Houston furnished rentals to choose from, each conveniently located in highly desirable areas. Browse our vacation home rentals today or call for affordable vacation rental rates.


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