Celebrating Life During and Following Cancer Treatment

MD Anderson Cancer Center

For anybody who has been diagnosed with or has been treated for cancer, you know that you will carry that experience with you the rest of your life.

Being a cancer survivor is not something you simply resign from; ask anyone who has been through it. Caregivers, children, family members, friends – they’re survivors too.

MD Anderson, the nation’s leading cancer treatment and research facility, hosts Survivorship Week every year.

It’s a week-long event that celebrates all kinds of cancer survivors, those who are currently living with it as well as those who have completed their treatment and beyond.

Survivorship Week runs for a week every June, with the exact dates announced in May. The events help to honor patients from the moment they are diagnosed as well as during and after their treatment.

Recently, MD Anderson asked their survivor’s community how they celebrate life during and after treatment. '

Here are some of their tips for living well in spite of cancer:

  1. Appreciate the little things. Take time to engage your senses and enjoy the things you love the most.

  2. Cultivate an attitude of gratitude. Don’t wait to tell your family how much you love them or your caregivers how much you appreciate what they do. Be grateful for the time that you have and enjoy every minute.

  3. Stay involved in your treatment plan. Your doctors are taking good care of you, but the more in touch you are with your treatment, the more in control you will feel. Stay connected with what’s going on in your body and be an active participant in care decisions.

  4. Learn new things. Cancer can be an all-encompassing thing, like an albatross weighing you down – if you let it. Taking your mind off of your treatment is the best thing for your mood and attitude. Take classes, learn a new skill, take up a hobby, expand your mind and you will feel better.

  5. Travel, if you can. New places have a way of changing your perspective on just about everything. Is there someplace you haven’t been that you’ve been wanting to visit? Whether it’s a dream vacation or a day trip to someplace close by, getting out of your zone is a great escape.

  6. Treat yourself. Take the time to treat yourself to a manicure, pedicure, a facial or a heavenly massage. Read books, take naps, soak in a warm bath with essential oils, and listen to what your body needs to feel better.

  7. Be positive. A smile and a great attitude go a long way to helping everyone feel better. Keep in mind that the people around you, especially your loved ones, are deeply affected by how you feel. Your upbeat attitude will help to lift their spirits as well.

Living well is the best medicine

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