Texas Medical Center: The Past Meets the Future While Saving Lives

Texas Medical Center lodging

Houstonians have some pretty impressive bragging rights to the largest medical center in the world — Texas Medical Center (TMC). The medical complex is a fixture of The Space City. But, more importantly, the 1,350-acre campus is at the forefront of saving lives.

Collectively, TMC through its two major hospitals – Texas Children’s Hospital and The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center – serves approximately 10 million patients per year.

TMC’s hospitals have garnered some pretty impressive rankings. U.S. News & World Report named MD Anderson as the top hospital for cancer care in its “Best Hospitals” survey. And eight of Texas Children’s subspecialties are ranked in the top 10, making it one of the best pediatric hospitals in the world. It’s no wonder that doctors and patients from all over the world flock to the medical center every year.

TMC prides itself on its visionary approach to medicine and recruits only the best and the brightest. Many of the hospital’s staff of doctors and medical workers relocate from out of town. In fact, many come from out of state as well as from other countries.

TMC’s rich past has bridged with the future to create one of the top hospitals in the world.

The huge medical institution wouldn’t be what it is today had it not been for one visionary – Monroe D. Anderson. Anderson was a Tennessee banker who moved to Houston in 1907 during a vibrant economic climate.

MD Anderson’s cancer hospital got its namesake from Anderson after he purchased land around Hermann Hospital in the 1940s. Baylor College of Medicine jumped on board in 1943. From there, MD Anderson was realized after its construction on the medical campus and more mergers followed.

TMC was officially founded shortly thereafter in 1945. A few years later in the 1950s, Texas Children’s Hospital, St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital, and The Methodist Hospital joined the complex.

Fast forward to more recent years, Baylor College of Medicine and CHRISTUS joined forces to become owners of St. Luke’s Medical, and is today known as Baylor St. Luke’s Medical Center.

TMC doesn’t plan on halting its forward progress anytime soon. A new project is in development which will expand the campus further. A $5.2 billion collaborative project that will exponentially increase advanced medical research is in the works. It’s estimated the project will create 26,000 new jobs for the Houston area.

Texas Medical Center continues to place Houston at the center of life-changing medical innovation.

More jobs mean a growing economy and a growing population.

And those create a need for more housing solutions. With a bustling Houston economy, this, in turn, means a booming housing market. People moving to the Houston area will face competition in finding the perfect home. The last thing anyone wants to do is rush into a new home purchase in a competitive market.

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