What You Should Know Before Getting Treatment for Breast Cancer

MD Anderson lodging

Approximately 268,600 people will be diagnosed with breast cancer in the U.S. this year. Many patients will receive treatment for their breast cancer here in Houston at MD Anderson.

If you’ve been diagnosed with an invasive form of breast cancer, there are some things you should know before beginning treatment.

Get a second opinion.

Getting a breast cancer diagnosis is serious business. You want to make sure that your diagnosis is accurate. It matters what type it is, as well as which stage of the disease you’re at.

These factors play an integral part in the type of treatment you should receive. Therefore, getting a diagnosis from a specialist who deals mostly with breast cancer is a good idea. You’ll want an accurate diagnosis during the early stages of your diagnosis so your treatment is targeted specifically for your cancer.

A more aggressive form of breast cancer diagnosis, such as inflammatory breast cancer, bears even more careful scrutiny. MD Anderson reports that 25 percent of patients who come to its center will have a different diagnosis than what they go in with.

Choose treatment at a center that’s at the top of its game and go there first.

MD Anderson leaves no stone unturned when it comes to ensuring the accuracy of your breast cancer diagnosis. It’s the only way for you to get the treatment plan that’ll work for your form of breast cancer. It could mean the difference between targeted care and palliative care.

Don’t settle for anything less than a cancer center that understands your type of breast cancer.

A cancer center like Houston’s MD Anderson has specialists for every type of breast cancer. There are many types of breast cancer, and rarer breast cancers require more specialized treatments.

Some breast cancers are hereditary, some are inflammatory, some are triple-negative, etc. There are even instances when a woman has been diagnosed with breast cancer and she doesn’t have cancer at all. This means she could ultimately undergo an unnecessary invasive procedure.

Breast cancer treatment will dramatically impact a person’s life. So it’s important that you have only the treatment that’s absolutely vital for your long-term survival.

Explore cutting-edge treatments for your breast cancer.

There are clinical trials for nearly every type of breast cancer. It’s important to consider that many trials only allow patients who haven’t been treated before. This is another reason to initially seek help at a major cancer center like MD Anderson.

They’ll help you explore the best options for you. The doctors and researchers there have developed innovative treatments that have helped patients avoid mastectomies and other more invasive procedures.

Find a healthcare team that will work together.

Houston’s MD Anderson was at the forefront of this approach. When you’re treated for something as serious as breast cancer, you want a team of doctors that are all on the same page. Having them all under the same roof is even better.

You’ll no doubt have a team of doctors treating you, ranging from oncologists to radiation specialists, to surgeons, and more. A multidisciplinary approach will make your treatment go more smoothly while visiting every option available for you. You may need support services in conjunction with your cancer treatment.

Consider a short-term housing solution while in Houston for treatment.

A breast cancer diagnosis and treatment will be one of the most difficult times in your life. Being away from home while in Houston during your treatment only adds to the anxiety.

That’s why choosing a short-term housing rental so you can relax and unwind away from treatment is so important.

Luxurway of Houston offers patients a comfortable and relaxed home away from the harsh cancer treatments you’ll be experiencing. Family members may also want to come and go from the hospital as you undergo your treatment.

Luxurway’s MD Anderson housing may be just what the doctor ordered. Contact Luxurway to reserve your short-term rental home.


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